

Atum Kit

To purify the

Freeing your home from mould will help you to improve the air quality that your family regularly breathes and protect the health of your loved ones over time. It is not a DIY activity, but an action that will have an important impact on your family life.


The Atum Kit contains the Antago and Dedalo products, which make up the two steps of our integrated mould control method. Antago e Dedalo are odourless, non-toxic, biodegradable, and ecological and can be used safely even in the presence of children and animals. You will not need to cover the furniture, because the products do not damage the wood on any type of surface. The rooms will be habitable in no time, no odours and no toxic vapours.

It contains

  • Antago, the product for phase 1, which acts on the mould patina and incorporates the spores;
  • Dedalo, the product for phase 2, which acts in depth and purifies the walls and the surrounding environment.
  • A brush;
  • 2 sprayers;
  • A protective mask;
  • Instruction manual

How to use it

Start the treatment by spraying on the visible spots. Rub immediately afterwards with the brush you find in the kit. Once the cleaning is finished, a clean and damp microfibre cloth is passed over the treated area. Then let it dry for a couple hours.

Continue the treatment by spraying Dedalo on all the walls of the room and on the ceiling, even where the mould was not visible, to clean up the entire environment. Let it dry naturally and enjoy the scent of a room finally clean and free from mould.

Specific applications

To act on
specific areas.

Surgon, designed for the walls, Dory for the furniture and Lorica for the sofas, mattresses and furnishing fabrics in general, they allow you to act locally, reclaiming the surfaces.


Sargon, Dory and Lorica allow you to intervene efficiently if you have a specific and vey localized need.

Just like the Atum Kit, they are non-toxic, safe, and odourless.

They are recommended for emergency interventions and on specific areas.

The advice for you!

With the presence of diffused moulds or with the ones which reproduce themselves and last for a medium/long periods, we recommend the use of the complete Atum Kit.

Professional Line

For professionals and

Specific products, designed to clean mould environments without the use of dangerous, harmful, and strong-smelling substances. The line for professionals consists of Antago Pro and Dedalo Pro, which are not sold as a Kit, but separately, to ensure the necessary flexibility in terms of quantity. Each professional can request the most suitable quantity of product depending on the type of constructions site to intervene.


They act in a few minutes, allowing the repainting on the same day of treatment and significantly reducing the duration of the intervention. Free of VOC and any harmful substance, can also be used in children’s bedrooms, where you can sleep the same night.


Very fast acting, easy to use and without special equipment, in sizes of 2 and 5 litres.






What they say about us

«Ho utilizzato i prodotti Atum e quasi immediatamente l'odore di muffa nella stanza è svanito. Risultato ottimo!»

Carmela Pellegrino Risultato ottimo

«Atum ha svolto un ottimo lavoro. Lo staff di Atum è gentilissimo e prontissimo ad aiutarti e consigliarti»

Sabrina Tocco Muffa spartita

«Già utilizzando Antago mi sono accorta che respiravo meglio. Poi Dedalo. I sintomi sono spariti tutti e posso dire di essere pienamente soddisfatta del prodotto, della professionalità e della disponibilità. Grazie , lo sto già consigliando a tutti i miei conoscenti»

Laura Pavanello Professionalità
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