Our History

Our History


The beginning of the Story

A girl to protect

High fever, unexplained pains with difficulty breathing. Emma, Denis’s daughter, the founder of Atum Italy, was showing these symptoms at only 8 months and the doctors attributed them to some autoimmune disease. While investigating on the case, as a parent Denis left no stone unturned and he started researching on his daughter’s symptoms, hoping to find a concrete solution. After a while, on the US Department of Health website he could find a correlation between the girl’s symptoms and the presence of mould at home. In fact, every now and then in Emma’s bedroom appeared some mould stain, which Denis dealt with traditional methods.


The fight against mould

Why traditional methods do not work?

the first test was to move the daughter to another room and that led to an immediate improvement in symptoms. But Denis was not willing to give up, he wanted to get rid of the mould in Emma’s room and so he tried different kind of traditional products present in the market. Despite the treatment, every time the daughter went back to sleep to her room, the symptoms started again and the mould was visible also to the sight. At that point it was necessary to ask oneself: why can’t traditional chemistry solve the problem?


Research and studies on mould

The Atum Italy revolution begins

Starting from this question a period of research and studies on mould began and it involved specialised European laboratories specialised in the search for ecological solutions, which Denis was in contact with for work purposes. The study highlighted the flaws of the traditional methods and it showed why they were ineffective. That allowed us to develop new formulations able to act correctly on the roots of mould, to purify the walls permanently. From that research the Atum’s method was born, a method which allows us to help thousands of families today to rid their home of the mould problem.

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